Sonar RCI指标

Rules Compliance Index (RCI) Plugin for SonarQube

Requires SonarQube 5.6+ (tested against 5.6, 5.6.3 (LTS), 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)


The Rules Compliance Index (RCI) Metric was deprecated in SonarQube 5.6 and is no longer available to be displayed in a dashboard. See SONAR-4755 for more details.

This plugin calculates a metric based on the weighted value of issues and the number of lines of code (default settings are given in parentheses and can be configured on a global and per project level; other values are taken from the core metrics):


Your project has 8 Blockers Issues and 42 Major Issues, having a Weight Configuration equals to INFO=0;MINOR=1;MAJOR=3;CRITICAL=5;BLOCKER=10, the Weighted Issues Metric will be:

(8 Blockers 10) + (42 Majors 3) = 80 + 126 = 206

The RCI Metric is always positive and is defined as:

Max ( 1.0 - (Weighted Issues Metric / Number of Line of Code) * 100, 0.0 )

The plugin also adds a (configurable) Rules Compliance Rating metric to visualize the RCI (score an A-rating with a rules compliance index of 97%).


Install the plugin through the Update Center or download it into the SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins directory
Restart the SonarQube server


You can change the Weight to apply for each severity level in the configuration of the plugin.
The default value is INFO=0;MINOR=1;MAJOR=3;CRITICAL=5;BLOCKER=10

Go in Settings > General Settings > Issue Density :


Issues Density Plugin comes with a new Widget : “Most Violated Components”. This widget display the top X components having the highest Weighted Issues value.

文章作者: KavenRan
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